Is Your Manifestation Work Working?

The biggest setback to creating your dreams and desires with manifestation work is doubting that what you’re doing is actually working. When faith is lost, it pushes those things that we start to doubt further away from us. Ironic, but true.

From my experience doing manifestation work, I’ve found that there are two main ways that I can feel the momentum and certainty of my desires and I know that what I want is coming toward me as well.

The "Click" of Certainty

This is the number one sign that your manifestation is coming quickly, but it does take some practice and experience to really start to lean into this one.

The best way I can describe it is a bit of an "aha" moment or energetic shift. It's that moment you go from "manifesting" something to "having" something. Even if the money isn't in your bank account yet, you've gotten the ding that it's en route. There’s excitement and a pure sense of knowing that what you want is coming.

This can also come in the form of feeling like you don't need to have a certain desire as part of your manifestation practice any longer and you want to put your energy elsewhere, not because you don't want it anymore but because you know it's coming.

Alignment Cues

Alignment cues are easier to spot than the subtle click of certainty. I feel like I get an increasing number of these the more I'm in the flow. 

Alignment cues can come in many different forms: coincidences, repeating numbers, little miracles... Have you ever had one of those moments where exactly what you needed just showed up? Or that you were just thinking of someone and then they called you?

Alignment cues come when we're (obviously) in alignment!

It’s the little nudges from our guides that they’re there and confirmation that we’re on the right path. We’re headed in the direction of where we’re wanting to go and naturally the things and opportunities are presenting themselves.


The 4 Biggest Manifestation Mistakes


Start with your strengths! Discover your manifestation superpower.