3 Secrets to Looking Legit Online When You're Just Starting Out
Where are you spending the most time in your business?
In my first business, I thought having a huge social media was the way to build a business. So I built a big social media following... and the business didn't follow.
I literally wasted months (dare I say years...) of my time doing things for my business that didn't equate to results. When I could have been using that time taking better care of myself, spending time outside with my fiance, or calling my sister every week instead. It's one of the reasons I later decided to become a business and marketing strategist - I didn't want other women wasting their precious time caught on that "trying" to build a business wheel. There are a lot of things that will make you look successful and there are a lot of things (and actually simple) things that will actually make you successful.
The biggest sticking point I see entrepreneurs struggling with is showing up online as an expert. Building social media profiles, endlessly tinkering with your website, creating dozens of blog posts that no one reads... All these things have great intention behind them but they take A LOT of time.
In reality, it doesn't take much to create an online presence that makes you look like an expert. In the video below, I give you 3 things that will actually make you look like an expert (none of which are social media followers) so that you can start making some real sales in your business.
As the CEO of your business, you are in the drivers seat to call the shots. You get to choose where you spend your time. Get clear on where your time is most effective in your business, lady; or, you'll find yourself doing a lot of work that doesn't do much for you.