Perfection is Procrastination in Really Nice Shoes
"Perfection is procrastination in really nice shoes"
The message of leaving "perfectionism" behind keeps coming up for me lately - whether it's making a leap before I'm ready or overcoming the fear of being judged. As someone who grew up as the "shy kid" in class because I was so afraid of what people would think of me, it's not so easy for me.
But owning more of "me" has been one of my themes this year.
And it's been working really well, because I've found...
People don't want perfect.
It's why live video has become the content delivery method of choice. People want a real, personal connection and if you're filtering or editing yourself all the time - they're not getting what they want and they'll go follow or buy from someone else who is showing their authentic, imperfect side.
This is what owning more of "myself" and embracing imperfection has looked like in my business lately:
Creating regular live videos, despite what my hair and makeup look like
Delivering courses live rather than pre-recorded
Sharing stories about my personal and business struggles
Showing more of myself (and my face) on social media
Writing more "real" emails
Where are you trying to be perfect in your business?
How can you own more of yourself in your business?
To your imperfect, business success!