5 Steps To QUICKLY Manifest Anything You Desire
Ready to start manifesting?
Welcome to my five part framework that I use every time I want to manifest anything within my life - big or small, short-term or long-term.
Step 1: Make a Decision
This may seem obvious - but it is often the most overlooked aspect of creating a desire or reaching a goal. You have to be 100% in on what it is that you want.
This means two things. First, you have to be clear about what it is that you want. For example, wanting to manifest your dream home. You know that a big move is at the very top of your desires list.
Second, you have to be clear about what that desire looks like. Continuing with the home example, what is it that would make your next home, your dream home? Be clear on the aspects that make a big move super exciting to you.
If you have wish-washy desires, you're going to have less than ideal results.
How to speed up the process...
Be sure about what you want and then be more sure. Eliminate goals and desires "that would be nice". These things will only distract you and detract your attention and energy. My motto is that if it's not a desire that feels like "hell yes" then it's not going to get a lot of my attention. We are natural manifestors and you can trust that you're going to be creating a lot of those "that would be nice" things without anyway.
Step 2: Clear Obstacles + Limiting Beliefs
If your desire didn't require growth, you would probably already have it. (Or you wouldn't want it in the first place.)
This can be as simple as asking yourself - where is the gap between where I am now and my desire? Where do you need to remove what is no longer serving you to make room for what it is that you do actually desire? The most common obstacles that get us in our own ways are limiting beliefs (not feeling worthy on some level), habits that lead us in the opposite direction of our desires, past trauma and stories, negative self-talk, to give you a few examples.
How to speed up the process...
A little counterintuitive, but it's to only do what is absolutely necessary when it comes to clearing negative beliefs and obstacles and them moving on quickly to step number 3. Only give the beliefs and obstacles that are having a direct impact on the desire you've chosen energy to clear. It is super easy to get caught up digging around in our past to try to "fix" everything that has gone wrong and left some sort of negative impression on us. Getting caught in the past and in our stories will only slow us down. Placing more trust that you are worthy and you are enough exactly as you are with your flawed self is going to help you manifest faster!
Step 3: Align to What You Desire
Everything connection, achievement, material object begins as energy. This is where the Law of Attraction and Law of Frequency come into manifestation. You have to be an energetic match to what you desire - or it's not going to happen. This is why it's so important in step number two that you're not lingering there or you're going to get the opposite of what you've set out to do. Make room where energy is in direct conflict to the energy you want to embody and then focus on that - what it is you do want to embody.
How to speed up the process...
Align more often. Literally live your day like the money is in the bank, you're coming home to your dream partner or home, or you are in fact a rock star. Our imaginations are one of our most powerful tools - use it. Who cares if you look or sound silly to other people - eventually the physical proof is going to be there.
Step 4: Take Inspired Action
Key word to this step - inspired. Often people are in one of two camps: the "all I need to do is think positive thoughts" camp or the "I need hustle for what I want" camp. The first camp is relying only on step 3 and the second camp needs to go back to step 2 to clear some negative beliefs.
My favorite way to create a roadmap of inspired action is to tune into that end result and then intuitively ask myself - how did I get there?
How to speed up the process...
Add onto intuiting your roadmap. There are an infinite number of ways to realize your desires. Tune into- "what is the fastest possible way I reached my desire?"
Step 5: Let go and trust the universe
Last, but definitely not least - you've got to surrender your desires to the universe. Each of the previous four steps require some sort of doing - but the "not doing" is just as important. If you're wanting to learn more about manifestation - there is some part of you that knows you don't have to do this alone. And it's true. The greatest achievements come when we surrender and allow the universe to co-create with us.
If I'm leaning into my inspired action roadmap and nothing comes up - I'm not going to actually do anything. If two or three inspired actions come up - then I'm going to only do those things.
Trust your intuition and the inspired information you receive. Trust that the answers that lie within you are enough.
How to speed up the process...
Find high vibe distractions. The universe works quickly when you're having fun, enjoying your life, and loving the process of creation. An example, if you know you're going to hear back about a job in a few hours, don't sit around watching the phone. Go for a walk with a friend, spend the time doing a favorite hobby, put on a great playlist and get things done around the house...
Where can you improve your manifestation?
How can you make the process a bit simpler or faster?
I come back to this framework again and again and again. Save this blog post and keep it handy the next time you’re setting your goals and desires.
X Jules