The Biggest Manifestation Misconceptions (How they can be holding you back even if you're 100% on board)

A family member recently declared to me "I don't believe in manifestation". Which I thought was an interesting way to word it. That’s great... but manifestation isn't like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. It's not something that you get to choose whether you subscribe to it or not - its a force of nature whether you call it "manifestation" or something else.

When I hear objections to "manifestation" like this one, I realize that the other person is holding onto some misconceptions about manifestation. To shed some light on manifestation and why there are many people out there that reject it (maybe you included!) here are some common misconceptions that may persuade you that it's a concept worth learning or diving deeper into.

Misconception No. 1
Manifestation is just positive thinking.

A few decades ago, when manifestation became a buzz word, many of the leading teachers at the time heavily promoted the positive psychology part of manifestation. "Think positive thoughts and positive things will come into your life."

It's an important part of manifestation, but it's only one piece to the puzzle. The parts of manifestation that don't get as much buzz? Shadow and clearing work to remove negative beliefs and patterns to make room for the new. Inspired action that has to be taken and sometimes it can be hard, grueling work. Ask any olympic athlete how they "manifested" that experience... a lot more than positive thinking. But positive thinking is definitely important.

Misconception No. 2
The ability to manifest is is selective.

"I'm just not good at manifesting."

"Manifesting doesn't work for me."

Sound familiar?

Are some people better at manifesting because they're naturally (or nurtured-ly) programmed to have an abundance mindset? Heck yes.

Manifesting has to work for everyone because you're creating your life and reality with each and every breath you take. And at the same time having an effect on the lives of those around you. The books, videos, and teachings of manifestation were created to help you be intentional with the life that you're creating. It is the big things like moving into your dream home, finding your perfect partner, or contributing meaningful work into the world. And it's also the small things and things that are less "things". It can be creating a life with less stress, making more time for your family, finding joy and purpose in your day-to-day, and the other "little" things that make a huge difference over time.

You can't not manifest - the "ability" comes from becoming intentional about it. Good news is the understanding, work, and evolution is available to everyone.

Misconception No. 3
Manifestation is a learned one-and-done skill.

You show me someone who can snap their fingers and make something appear out of thin air and I'll tell you, you've found a "master". Manifestation is one of those things in life that you can't truly master. It's not an end destination but a refining of how you walk the path of life.

You can take a manifestation course and learn how to be a better creator. But you've got to apply what you learn and learn from your journey. It's a lifestyle, evolution, and process.

Misconception No. 4
Manifestation is a spiritual "woo-woo" concept.

First, I hate the term woo-woo. Second, many manifestation tools and techniques are rooted in spiritual and mindset practices, but science has been quickly following behind to prove what has been discovered. If you want to lean more into the science side of it, check out quantum physics and mechanics. A very brief synopsis is that our whole universe is made of energy and the field studies how energy vibrates and aligns itself to create the world in which we can conceptualize.

That is super simplified, but it's a great topic for future posts.

If the word "manifestation" feels uncomfortable to you try one of these on: creation, evolution, realization, formation...

These are the four misconceptions I find myself running into over and over again in conversation. Hope this clarifies manifestation for you and your journey.


5 Steps To QUICKLY Manifest Anything You Desire


What Is Manifestation?