What Is Manifestation?
There are so many misconceptions about manifesting....
It's some sort of wishful thinking / voodoo / magic.
That it’s so woo-woo, that it’s not relatable to everyone.
"It doesn't work for me."
Just think positive thoughts and positive things will happen.
"Sounds too good to be true."
But what is manifesting really?
Manifestation is a natural process.
You're already manifesting whether you've read a manifestation book and know the popular concepts and tools or not. Each and every one of us is manifesting in every moment, whether we're aware of it or not. So if you're someone who does or doesn't "believe" in manifesting - keep reading so you understand why you're already partaking (whether you understand it or not).
Manifestation is simply the process of taking something from an idea state of energy into a physical form of energy. It's the act of creation and as a human being, you're intimately involved in that process understand it or not.
Here's the most basic example I can think of: right now you're "manifesting" or "creating" your next breath because at a core level you have a desire to keep on existing in physical form here on this earth.
How manifestation works
The very basics of how manifestation works is that the ideas / beliefs / energy that you begin with determine what you experience in physical reality. So if you have a belief system of unworthiness, that you’re not good enough then you're going to find yourself in situations where you are undervalued and overlooked by others. The energy we begin with creates momentum for the outcome that is created.
We can use this in our favor and reverse engineer then. If you want a certain outcome like a raise at work, then shifting your beliefs and energy around your worthiness will essentially mold the outcomes of how you experience life.
Why and how to learn about manifestation
To me, manifestation is an important process to understand and intentionally evolve. I’m not going to say “master the concept” because it’s a process that will always have another level for you to explore and develop. It’s a journey, not a destination.
The more you understand about your fundamental power to create, the better you get at it. You are given the ability to create literally anything that you authentically desire. It takes understanding, intention, and discipline to get really good at it - just like any skill. The beauty of evolving your manifestation process is that you can apply it to any and all areas of your life: relationships, family, career, financial, health, spirituality, etc...
Like any other skill in life, practice makes perfect. There is an ocean of resources out there but you can find all the information you need to get started right here.
Start with my short video series to learn my 3 part epic abundance formula - the 3 absolute most important concepts you can't ignore if you want to get better at your manifestation process.
And browse more of the articles in my Manifestation 101 series here. If you liked this introduction, I recommend uncovering the most common misconceptions in the next article.